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I'm Not Dead, Here's What Happened! - Printable Version

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I'm Not Dead, Here's What Happened! - HorrorFX - 11-24-2005

LOL :lol: . Good to hear your alive man.

I'm Not Dead, Here's What Happened! - frosty - 11-24-2005

damm man, i felt bad when i heard that news, but hey its ok, zombies are welcome on here two! are you the official zombie mascot now or what?, glad to hear you are ok.

I'm Not Dead, Here's What Happened! - Andy - 11-24-2005

Missed all the fuss last night but your email this morning Ben was sure a shock start to the day!. Good to hear your still with us though Dan and your bro-in-law needs a good kick in the bollox if you ask me me old china.

I'm Not Dead, Here's What Happened! - corblimey79 - 11-25-2005

LOL, yeah thanks mate!!! *groans*..........."Brains"...........