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1 Thing That'll Make You Happy - Printable Version

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1 Thing That'll Make You Happy - Mutilated - 03-20-2006

Quote:Nope, not married, wish I was, or could be heading towards that, but not a damn bit of luck yet.
Cynical, every family has their problems, part of the package, what with being humans and all. I really do believe though it\'s the bad, rough times that make a relationship, how you deal with them and move through that will strengthen bonds. You want the good times of course, but those are easy, no one ever split when it was going great.
And of course, you sacrifice things for a relationship, that personal freedom you spoke of is a big one. But, that means you\'ll have someone to share life with, lean on when you need it, be there when they need it, and everything that goes with having someone you can rely on. I\'ve done the single thing for a lot of years now, and I am fuckin tired of it. I know how I feel when I\'m alone, and I know how I feel when I\'m with someone, no comparision.
Ah, well I can honestly say your one of the nicest dudes I ever seen, i\'m sure you\'ll find your princess leia. :thumbsup:

1 Thing That'll Make You Happy - VF31 - 03-20-2006

id like some friggin dinner.

1 Thing That'll Make You Happy - Hauntmaster9 - 03-20-2006

Quote:id like some friggin dinner.

Right now a friggen site that still has the dc direct vendetta masks in stock would make me pretty damn happy.

1 Thing That'll Make You Happy - Homicidal#9 - 03-20-2006

well, to add my two cents on the whole relationship thing...i have been with my lady for going on 12 years...i have not lost one single bit of personal freedom...and i have gained alot more in return. Trav, she is out there man. I used to be in your position and then she crossed my path. I knew her for years, i had just never looked at her like that before...but anyway....things will get better Kyle said, considering how good of a person you are, its just a matter of time...


1 Thing That'll Make You Happy - ChemicallyUsed - 03-20-2006

i wish i could stop my hair from being shaved off....but i just cant stand it to be there HAHAHAH...and trav, girls are funny dude, you just gotta find one, and handcuff them to you and keep running so they dont get to their feet and walk away hahaha