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Original Mask By Anders FULL COSTUME PICS UP - Printable Version

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Original Mask By Anders FULL COSTUME PICS UP - Mr_Cynical - 10-24-2008

You should be in photography bro, no doubt about it, your costumes and background environments are mind blowing!!!

Original Mask By Anders FULL COSTUME PICS UP - scream4me - 10-24-2008

super sweet, those pics are amazing. Excellent job.

Original Mask By Anders FULL COSTUME PICS UP - vezolution - 10-24-2008

That's insane looking!!

Original Mask By Anders FULL COSTUME PICS UP - Last Man Standing - 10-24-2008

That is wicked!!!

Original Mask By Anders FULL COSTUME PICS UP - Dahone - 10-24-2008

Hey Trav.....looking great! My only suggestion is may adding some sort of this killer is hiding something under that mask.

Original Mask By Anders FULL COSTUME PICS UP - DrenTheLiar - 10-25-2008

That <i>is</i> insane!

Original Mask By Anders FULL COSTUME PICS UP - Jason-V - 10-25-2008

Very cool piece Trav!!

Original Mask By Anders FULL COSTUME PICS UP - travsall - 10-25-2008

Glad ya all appreove! Thanks for the compliments! Cynical, it's a real big hobby and passion of mine, so thanks that means a lot to hear!Rich, I've been thinking about an undermask, something to yeah just give the character that even creepier look, don't have one that would work, and trying to think of one that would, any suggestions/ideas?

Original Mask By Anders FULL COSTUME PICS UP - monteburns - 10-25-2008

That is a very creepy looking mask.It should be in a movie and has that eerie look like the Leslie Vernon mask.

Original Mask By Anders FULL COSTUME PICS UP - crypticcreator - 10-25-2008

That is by far one creepy looking mask. The costume is wicked too.