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New Score - puckface - 10-13-2004


New Score - The13thDreamShape - 10-13-2004


New Score - WilliamAbuJannah - 10-13-2004

*shaking head* LMAO

New Score - Clint - 10-13-2004

I\'d post somthin\' funny.......but.......the gravity is pulling me closer....closer....

New Score - lowerleftmandible - 10-14-2004

Jason has such pretty locks of flowing, golden hair. :lol:

New Score - VF31 - 10-14-2004

i get lost in his beautiful, um...eye...

New Score - ERASERHEAD - 10-14-2004

rip all the hair off, paint it up, and make it a pt. 3, is it big?

New Score - dougie - 10-14-2004

They are small masks i have one and im not happy with it...

New Score - WilliamAbuJannah - 10-14-2004

*hitches up overalls, adjusts straw in mouth, pushes straw hat down, spits!!*

"Aayup. Seem ta be alot ah dat going on round dese here parts lately.......................aayup."


New Score - The13thDreamShape - 10-14-2004

LOL. I thought it was a pic of ur grandma, Andy :o

:lol: Wink

Just messin man. lol. i like it a bit.. the neck needs to be longer, hair needs to be layed better. and take that eyebrow off and re do it.