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Bad Paint Job? You Decide... - Printable Version

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Bad Paint Job? You Decide... - mike - 04-12-2005

Quote:and it\'s the only one I have seen looking like that

hahah ya think for 150 for the mask they look decent

Bad Paint Job? You Decide... - myers-san - 04-12-2005

Hey VF?? you need to post pics of your dmc roy for this guy so he can see how they really look with a dedicated paint job...the best i have seen from dmc...jseth?? your gonna crap when you see what you could have gotten if they didn\'t have their heads up there butts...

Bad Paint Job? You Decide... - mike - 04-12-2005

ya jason is right steves roy is the best i seen as far as tris colors shape and everythign its prob the best they ever did

Bad Paint Job? You Decide... - Bloodyaxe - 04-12-2005

did you take the pic of the hockey with the flash. It looks lke you did. That\'ll bring out all the spottyness and imperfections in the mask if you did. Heres a pic of mine

Bad Paint Job? You Decide... - TheChosenOne - 04-12-2005

Man, I\'ve seen so many different paintjobs on the DMC Roy.. Here\'s a picture of mine;

Bad Paint Job? You Decide... - VF31 - 04-12-2005

heres my baby

[Image: MVC-051F.JPG]
[Image: MVC-052F.JPG]
[Image: MVC-053F.JPG]

Bad Paint Job? You Decide... - myers-san - 04-12-2005

......Man i misss it soooooooooooooooooo much!!!!!!!!wink wink!! :wink: that mask was so perfect!!!!!!! to bad it is a recast huh?? Big Grin


Bad Paint Job? You Decide... - VF31 - 04-12-2005


Bad Paint Job? You Decide... - CreepingDead - 04-12-2005

Tongue Doesn\'t look that much different than mine.

Bad Paint Job? You Decide... - GBeninati - 04-13-2005

here\'s a pic of mine