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You Got To See Thease Masks - null1 - 05-13-2004

Good point. I was just speaking from a business stand point. Jon being an FX artist with a new kid and I know how sloooow and cut throat the FX biz is.. I\'m lucky to have what little bit of FX work I do have here in Orlando. Its very hard to bring the world masks.
Jon could just as easily have made something like this and sold them at a \'collectors\' price and thats exactly who would have them. Its nice as a collector to have nice, \'hand\' made and painted masks. But if it wasnt for independant artists doing this then the only place you could pick up a mask would be at Wal Mart and this forum wouldnt be here. If this mask actually ended up in retail shops with a paint job that matched Jons, who would buy the independant guys LF masks? Or Jay and Fred for that matter or any others. All the artists that bring the world these great masks would be out of business. Or if all the mask makers out there sold thier master copies to big companies then the only masks you would have would be thin floppy degradeable masks with crappy paint jobs..... Who wants to have thier display shelves full of that?

"respectable"? sure...
Pays the bills? Nope

I know the ball park figure that one gets paid for something like this and it wouldnt cover a months worth of my bills.

You Got To See Thease Masks - Lewis Tully - 05-13-2004

Hey, Mark, I understand what you are saying, and I understand (not from personal experience, but I do understand) where you are coming from, and I agree. I didn\'t mean that as any type of attack on the indie mask makers, who I personally respect a great deal, I was just talking about for folks outside of the "know." This way, your average Joe Blow nobody can have a decent looking mask and not have to look like a schmuck on Halloween, that\'s all. Granted, I garauntee I\'ll see some moron wearing this Leatherf@ce mask with a pair of tennis shoes, a pair of jeans, a black hoodie, and a machete... That is letting a mask go to waste... But I understand what you mean about the indie mask makers, and I wasn\'t trying in any shape, way, or form to attack you\'s guys. Hell, I love you\'s guys, if it weren\'t for y\'all, no onw would have a good looking mask. Take your Pt. One Freddy mask for example, not to mention your other masks, you make one of the best Freddy masks I\'ve ever seen, and if it weren\'t for you, and people like you we\'d be forced to wear whatever that thing is on under the Nightmare on Elm Street category. We need you, to keep us sane with your masks. I was just talking more about the people who were uninformed about the good stuff. The people who only know about the costume shops. But, hey we need you guys with the good stuff to keep us looking good.


You Got To See Thease Masks - Lewis Tully - 05-13-2004

Also, is there a part in the hair on Leatherf@ce? In the pics I\'ve seen with hair, it doesn\'t look like there is, but I see the seam there on the pics Jon posted. If not, I may have to do some hair trimming on my bubba.


You Got To See Thease Masks - it#39;s me - 05-13-2004

Indica X , when I went to the site I didn\'t see any for $35 . But what I did see was this :

Hockey $10
Hockey and mask $50

but I don\'t need the hockey but i really need the undermask Sad

I wish it was $35


You Got To See Thease Masks - JASON11 - 05-13-2004

I think the Jason and Bubba are good. i dont know about the Freddy.

You Got To See Thease Masks - null1 - 05-13-2004

Everything looks great on the Fred but the mouth. wtf is up with that mouth?!

You Got To See Thease Masks - Indica x - 05-13-2004

Quote:Indica X , when I went to the site I didn\'t see any for $35 . But what I did see was this :

Hockey $10
Hockey and mask $50

but I don\'t need the hockey but i really need the undermask Sad 

I wish it was $35

I was just going by what outlawski said in the first post

You Got To See Thease Masks - it#39;s me - 05-13-2004

It\'s alright . I\'m sorry if I sounded bitchy before , but alot of times people read things and take it the wrong way and then they have something to say and then by that time a whole fight has started and everyones mad and starts swearing .


You Got To See Thease Masks - puckface - 05-13-2004

Yeah, I know what you mean, but everyone here is cool, but sumtimes just dont read things out.

You Got To See Thease Masks - jason8844 - 05-14-2004

o i wouldent know how good justins hoods are cause i didnt get it yet
even tho i orderd it 12 weeks ago :o any way sorry to offend ya lol