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My Michael Myers Prank - TheCreeper2003 - 02-08-2006

Quote:sounded cool man. wish it was on video, would great to see.

Me too, but my friend who owns the digital camera I use wasnt answering his cell phone, so, I couldnt get ahold of him, he was probably already at work.

But trust me, if I could have, I DEFINATLY would have taped this.

My Michael Myers Prank - antboy - 02-08-2006

man thats sounds kool as hell. It played like a movie in my head as i read that. awesome man, glad it all went to plan.

My Michael Myers Prank - Martoch - 02-08-2006

Quote:I was picturing it all in my head as I read that.


Same here and I was laughing right along with you...that\'s some funny shit!

Quote:Pssssh, what was he gonna do? Scream me to death?


My Michael Myers Prank - ALLOUTMASSACRE - 02-08-2006

Very awesome Creeper! I\'ve played a stunt similar to this with some friends. My best friends cousin was having a guy fly in from CA so we decided to play a prank on him. She, the cousin, has a father who owns a construction site so we were able to convince them as a group of people to go out to at night because he it would be fun right? We planted 2 people in the back in a wooded area, one killer one victim, and another killer, me, in the front in a office.

We waited for them to walk all the way into the back of the site pretty close to the wooded area, and the victim came out screaming and covered in fake blood and wound appliances applied to him. They didn\'t know what to think as he ran past them. He was screaming for them to run and that he was coming. They were frozen then the "killer" came out from the side of the woods and had them off gaurd. He was packing an airsoft pistol that looked really real in the night. The dude was scared shitless! One of the girls that was in on it that was the killers boyfriend in real life started to to the hero bit and he "put her down" fast.

All of the sudden the planted victim finally got to the front of the site where I was and let out a blood curddling scream, and apparently they were freaking out in the back, but that killer was keeping them at bay. I finally krept up to the back coming from the other side. And it was great. The guy from cali was about to have a heart attack he was on the ground in the fetal position screaming. I was convincing since im a 6\' 5" and standing over him wearing a russian world war 2 gasmask, bloody ripped up clothes with a huge *dulled* machete over him. We finally had to stop because he was so scared. It was a hoot.

Sorry not to steal your thunder Creeper just wanted to let you know people think just like you as well.

My Michael Myers Prank - JV13 - 02-08-2006

Dude what is wrong with you? That\'s cruel..

..I love it :lol:

My Michael Myers Prank - adam - 02-08-2006

Oh man! That was a great read! Like some others, I pictured it in my head, like a movie. That is hilarious and I know exactly what kind of guy you\'re talking about, that would scream his head off, or grab his girlfriend and yell, \'take her!\' and then later be like, \'You\'re lucky I didn\'t use my cat-like reflexes\'. He reminds me of Bill Paxton from True Lies. Thats great man! I think it actually came out better than planned.

\'Oh god, please don\'t kill me, please don\'t kill me. I have a small dick, its really sad!\'

My Michael Myers Prank - micketagg - 02-08-2006

Verry good ide!! I hope you gonna have fun Smile For a few years ago my ex girlfriend wanted me to joke with a her friend. So i had a Myers mask and a hamer, knock on the door..knock knock..and then i heard a voice " mom , can you open the door?" Shit..the guys mom was there to visit him. I run as fast i coud with my Myers mask on my face and hamer in my hand ,so not hes mother shoud have a heart attack when she open the door and see me. It was pretty late at the evening, about 9 i think. I still dont know if someone else saw me running with the mask and hamer...HA HA HA

My Michael Myers Prank - Chop Shop - 02-08-2006

:woot: HAHA..very glad to hear it worked out...I cant believe your boy screamed liked a little beeotch....thats kinda sad,, real super hero there! Dude, I still say odds are you would have gotten clipped around the D with that sh$t Busta Rhymes.. :yes: ...dont people fight back anymore?

My Michael Myers Prank - Last_of_the_Brunnen-G - 02-08-2006

Thats pretty good. It\'s great when they get scared and then later deny they were and ham it up about how they were just about to do something. As for fighting back....come on, if someone gets the jump on you with a knife, your natural instinct is self preservation and your best chance is to run or avoid the danger in those particular circumstances. Too many people have this idea that they are so bad ass and would do something in that situation like the victim of this joke, but be realistic, without a LOT of professional training, or a certain amount of stupidity, you would get away.

My Michael Myers Prank - TheCreeper2003 - 02-08-2006

Yep, that\'s about how it is. The fight or flight instinct, and even I\'ll admit, I just got the drop on him bursting out of the closet like that, scared him shitless. I\'m sure his mind was running circles.

I love hearing everyone\'s stories. I know it\'s easy for everyone to criticize and say oh you\'re gonna get hurt or have the police called on you, but gents, I\'m telling you, it\'s just so far-fetched when you\'ve done it this many times. No one gets the chance. And I\'m sure alot of you who were saying you\'d pull out a knife and stab, givin the circumstance, you\'d probably do the same thing because I\'ll garuntee I would too. I\'d freeze in place and not know what to do.

Oh and Adam... lmao... perfect example of the kind of worm Mason is. Bill Paxton in True Lies. The party at the very end where he\'s a waitor and see\'s Ah-nuld and Jaime Lee... perfect example.

It was just fun. You guys should try it. I think for my next big prank, I\'m gonna try to aquire a TCM 2003 outfit and prank some kids at this old run down house that looks like the one from the movies. Wait till they hear that chainsaw rev...

The saw is family.