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Wanted Kh/dw Mask ! - Printable Version

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Wanted Kh/dw Mask ! - goaliehack - 10-23-2004

You sure there? NMM was a sandamn, NMM 78 was straight from Kirk Magnums 75 kirk.

Wanted Kh/dw Mask ! - CJLIVES28 - 10-23-2004

Yes the ORIGINAL NMM was a Sandman. I thought that\'s what he meant. In fact, i had the prototype NMM that i obtained 4-5 yrs. ago now.


Wanted Kh/dw Mask ! - heyjerk...speeedkills - 10-23-2004

Quote:Yes the ORIGINAL NMM was a Sandman.

Smile Wink

Wanted Kh/dw Mask ! - noxious_infestation - 10-23-2004

What happened with MMP 2 years ago??? :unsure:

Wanted Kh/dw Mask ! - killnskin - 10-24-2004

Quote:[url=\"\"]Ebay Myers Mask[/url]I dunno if this is the same mask but I ran across this on ebay. Says it\'s a Dick Warlock mask. Here\'s the link. Looks decent.
god almighty, you need to get out while your behind.

Wanted Kh/dw Mask ! - IbDaToNeGuY - 10-25-2004

now about that pic of the screen-used H2 mask , is that from just a pic someone found or is it of THE MASK someone owns ? and also i thought there were only 2 masks made , 1 burned at the end and Dick owns the other .


Wanted Kh/dw Mask ! - Pugsly - 10-25-2004

Dick Warlock sold the h1/ h2 mask he owned.