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mask murderers - Printable Version

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mask murderers - jason8844 - 10-07-2004

how much for the cattle killer?

mask murderers - The13thDreamShape - 10-07-2004


mask murderers - Prime Time - 10-07-2004

i wouldnt mind gettin a blnk from brains either....

mask murderers - Prime Time - 10-07-2004

someone needs to get that quick....its an awesome mask....good luck bob...

mask murderers - Prime Time - 10-07-2004

very nice indeedy i love the vs effect w/ them facin each other...

mask murderers - jwolf1277 - 10-07-2004

where do you get your foam from? is it a 2 part mixture?

mask murderers - WilliamAbuJannah - 10-07-2004

Go for it Willie, get the Skinner!!

mask murderers - IbDaToNeGuY - 10-07-2004

i want the LF that\'s right under the zombie pic . that looks like the best one he\'s made . that jason part 7 isn\'t bad either . but yeah i\'ve asked this before , Bob do you sell any blank masks that people could just paint or will it just be master copies ?


mask murderers - gmyers - 10-07-2004

how much for the.............lf remake mold, any one
freddy mold showing his brains
pt. 7 jason
and the pt. 2 jason
and if u could do this, could u make it mold and just have me paint it, cause i really don\'t need the master copy, but if so i guess it\'s fine.

mask murderers - heyjerk...speeedkills - 10-07-2004

you\'ve got to make a mold of the master copy yourself, he\'s selling master copies not molds...

once you make your mold.. start pouring.