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Wanting To Get A Vader Costume? - Printable Version

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Wanting To Get A Vader Costume? - SPAZ - 04-06-2005

got my MR Vader Saber today
its sweet

Wanting To Get A Vader Costume? - JBUNGIE - 04-06-2005

Quote:got my MR Vader Saber today
its sweet

Nice..where did you get it? And what is the length like. Post some pics if you get a chance.

Wanting To Get A Vader Costume? - SPAZ - 04-06-2005

I got it from
the full thing handle and blade is 44"
the blade it self is 34"
I\'ll get some pics tonight

Wanting To Get A Vader Costume? - JBUNGIE - 04-06-2005

Great, I wanna see some pics so I can get an idea of how big the thing is. How are the sounds? I ve heard they have them for sale at Borders books of all places..

Wanting To Get A Vader Costume? - SPAZ - 04-06-2005

yeah the only one I\'ve seen there is Mace Windu\'s
the sounds are ok it sounds like light saber sounds comming out of a little speaker
but its still cool
I got the EPISODE IV version
looks sick in the dark
and the light goes up and down when turned on and off

Wanting To Get A Vader Costume? - Lewis Tully - 04-06-2005

Quote:Hey Lewis aka JCG,

How are you 501 when DL isn\'t even a member number?  Your name isn\'t even listed in the 501 member pages?

Strange Wink

[url=\"\"]Sith Lord Member database[/url]

I\'m in the 501st.... I am inactive status, but I\'m in it... Whether you believe me or not does not bother me... Take Care!!!

Spaz, and Jbungie, sorry about that... kinda lost it there for a minute...


Wanting To Get A Vader Costume? - JBUNGIE - 04-06-2005

Cmon guys..dont get the thread closed. Take it outside!

Wanting To Get A Vader Costume? - SPAZ - 04-06-2005

get out of my topic!!!LOL
whats the big deal here
does the one with the best costume win a prize
man get over it guys

and King I\'ve seen a bunch of Lewis Tully\'s Vader pics

Wanting To Get A Vader Costume? - SPAZ - 04-06-2005

dude are you talking about me?

Wanting To Get A Vader Costume? - Lewis Tully - 04-06-2005

Oh yeah, my inactive number is SL -5437... Sue me...