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Wanting To Get A Vader Costume? - Printable Version

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Wanting To Get A Vader Costume? - SuperDanDrista - 04-06-2005

I just got a Master Replicas Snowspeeder studio scale prop from Big time comics. It\'s freakin awesome!!! Came with awesome COA, Glass display case, Numbered plaque. And mirrored base.

Really very quality!

Let me know how durable the FX saber is..I wanted to get a couple and use them for dueling :lol:

Wanting To Get A Vader Costume? - SPAZ - 04-06-2005

awesome Dan
I want to get the AT-AT but I\'m going to control myself lol

Wanting To Get A Vader Costume? - SPAZ - 04-06-2005

Damn them are some HUGE pics
sick ass detail
how big is it?
yeah I dont think dueling with the sabers would be a good Idea

Wanting To Get A Vader Costume? - JBUNGIE - 04-06-2005

Jesus can you drive that thing? How much damage did that do to your wallet?

Wanting To Get A Vader Costume? - SPAZ - 04-06-2005

$599.00 from MR
$480.00 from big time

Wanting To Get A Vader Costume? - SuperDanDrista - 04-06-2005

lighttech industries sells EL sabers that you can duel with. I\'ll probably go there....

This prop is 16 inches long and 14 wide. Very heavy and very impressive in person. The real prop was 19 inches long so this is a 3/4 studio scale. No clue why they didn\'t make it 3 inches bigger.... Sorry for the big pics. Too lazy to shrink them lol.

I want the AT AT as well but I doubt i\'ll ever drop the money for one. I know they\'re doing another one with a Hoth snow diorama type scene so that should be cool. Once they come out with the X-Wing and Tie Fighters i\'ll buy those as well.

Master replicas just such a great job! Especially considering they produce over 1000 for each run and still whip out some very authentic star wars props

Yup 480. I originally pre-ordered it but cancelled the preorder to buy a casey love piece. Then when I saw that Bigtime had such a good deal I couldn\'t resist. I\'ll definitely go straight thru bigtimecomics from now on for my MR stuff

Wanting To Get A Vader Costume? - SuperDanDrista - 04-06-2005

oh no..they have the Aliens Motion Tracker prop for 250$. Someone please stop me from pressing the order button lol

Wanting To Get A Vader Costume? - JBUNGIE - 04-06-2005

Nooo!! I wish you would have never posted that site! Got some great deals...dare I say the glass slipper is even pretty cool. That AT AT is $1200 jesus..I would rather have one of the clone trooper helmets.

Wanting To Get A Vader Costume? - travsall - 04-06-2005

Oh sweet hell Dan!!! NICE pickup man! Damn that is nice, saw it a while back and my jaw dropped! Congrats buddy!! And, since this is turning into a random Star Wars stuff thread, looks like I finally succomed to the sirens crys, and will be putting together a Biker Scout suit. Spaced over a year or so, shouldn\'t be too bad at all.

Wanting To Get A Vader Costume? - SuperDanDrista - 04-06-2005

You can find the AT AT on ebay for as low as a grand. The Clone trooper Helmets are very cool too. I think i\'m going to stay clear of Prequal props though. Just OT for me.

Trav you son of a gun! Did you get a new AIM name or you just avoiding me? Tongue

That would be a cool project!

By the are some better pics of the Snowspeeder. Eventually i\'ll take some good ones. It\'s made of Metal, Plastic, and heavy resin