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What Do You Think Of This F8? - Printable Version

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What Do You Think Of This F8? - UndeadGoalie - 05-14-2004

I was wondering what you all thought of my paint job on this hockey mask. I got a blank hockey on Ebay from Horrorconcept and painted it up Part 8 style. The top triangle is a little messed up but other than that I think I did a pretty good job being my first time and all. Triangles are the toughest part for me. Does anybody know how to tape them off or whatever so that you get perfect lines without any runs? I\'m going to strap this thing up and screen in the eyes soon also. Big Grin

What Do You Think Of This F8? - UndeadGoalie - 05-14-2004


What Do You Think Of This F8? - UndeadGoalie - 05-14-2004


What Do You Think Of This F8? - UndeadGoalie - 05-14-2004

last one

What Do You Think Of This F8? - Eddie - 05-14-2004

Looks great! What a bang-up job, especially since it\'s your first time painting a Hockey Mask! And for the straps I\'d say just lay pieces of tape down in the shape of the triangle (I\'m assuming that\'s what you did) and make sure the edges are down good, and after you paint it and peel the tape up, the tri\'s should come out nice and straight.


What Do You Think Of This F8? - Lewis Tully - 05-14-2004

That looks like CRAP!..... No wait.... that is friggin clean, a very, very nice job. I wanted to buy one of those blanks, are they still available? Good lookin\' mask, man, for real.


What Do You Think Of This F8? - HalloweeN - 05-14-2004

Big Grin Very nice job!!!

What Do You Think Of This F8? - HalloweeN - 05-14-2004

Big Grin Very nice job!!!

What Do You Think Of This F8? - JASON 7 - 05-14-2004

looks pretty good. i\'ve always wonder why everyone paints the backside black.

What Do You Think Of This F8? - Andy - 05-14-2004

Great job Dave. Looks very good to me. For your first time painting a mask you should be very proud of that. Wink

I\'ve only painted a couple myself but I\'ve found electrical tape give\'s a nice clean edge for masking off the triangles.

As for painting the back black. If it\'s an abs mask then is probably black already but if its fibergalss then black just makes it look neater as fiberglass isn\'t the prettiest of things on the raw side.