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Hock Cases From Matt - Printable Version

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Hock Cases From Matt - Savage - 02-09-2006

Just had an email from Matt...he has started on the Hockey Mask display cases...I cant wait to see the pics..I reckon they will be Bad ass!!!! Smile :biggrin: Big Grin

Hock Cases From Matt - onoman - 02-09-2006

That\'s really cool man :thumbsup: I can\'t wait to see them

Hock Cases From Matt - ALLOUTMASSACRE - 02-09-2006

Very awesome! How much you think these will run matt? And besides maybe the movie title is there a possiblity of a section to put the artist\'s names?

Hock Cases From Matt - Savage - 02-09-2006

He makes some superb cases...I want to complete my Hockey Mask collection...need a few more from Mike and i\'ll have them all displayed it Matt\'s cases. COOL!!!!!