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Some Stuff For Sale On The Bay - Printable Version

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Some Stuff For Sale On The Bay - The Leprechaun - 03-04-2006

Hey guys, just wanted to post some of my auctions.


[url=\"\"]F13 Part III Bust[/url]

Thanks for looking...

Some Stuff For Sale On The Bay - howlingwind13 - 03-05-2006

Hey :down: isn\'t that the myers mask I paid for 2 months ago that supposedly got lost in the mail?
*edited and apologize for content*


Some Stuff For Sale On The Bay - mrmorningside - 03-05-2006


Some Stuff For Sale On The Bay - Bloodyaxe - 03-05-2006

Quote:Hey asshole isn\'t that the myers mask I paid for 2 months ago that supposedly got lost in the mail?

Please take this matter to a PM,not on the public board. If the matter doesn\'t get cleaned up please contact one of the mods for assistance. and please watch your language.


Some Stuff For Sale On The Bay - howlingwind13 - 03-05-2006

Quote:Well for starters he was supposed to be banned...secondly it\'s the first time I have ever made a reply like this...thirdly I think I\'m done with the mask community and this board as a whole...I have bought 6 things from the classifieds on this board and only recieved 2...ripped off more times then not...8 total times...
I have been into mask collecting for 15 years and a member of the the HMa from the begining...This hobby has been ruined for me by these theives...
I think I\'m done with this hobby,

Some Stuff For Sale On The Bay - mike - 03-05-2006

buying in the classifieds has nothing to do with the owner of the site nor the site as a whole its the people who you deal with and paypal will get u the money back within 30 days if u file before then and since items in the classifieds are 2nd hand there is no reason it should take that long to ship out giving people plenty of time to protect themselves..its hard to trust people these days it seems and it sucks u been ripped that many time but u could have gotten money back from paypal by jsut filing a claim and not blamming this board

Some Stuff For Sale On The Bay - Ben_Forsaken - 03-05-2006


Some Stuff For Sale On The Bay - howlingwind13 - 03-05-2006

Hey Mike...I did file a claim...paypal said they decided in my favor...but would not refund my money as for blaming the board...Who\'s doing that? Not me...All I said was people are ruining this hobby for me. As far being done with the mask community as a whole--I mean collecting...I have met (alot in person) of people from these boards and have nothing but good things to say about everyone I have met. I will keep contact but I don\'t think I\'ll buy anything from the classifieds anymore.


Some Stuff For Sale On The Bay - Bloodyaxe - 03-05-2006

I don\'t care if its your 1st or 100th reply like this. I will re-illerate that these are the rules..

5) ARGUEING/ILL PRACTICE -The NIGHTOWL boards are not the place to argue, or accuse people of ill practice. If you think there is something wrong, please contact the person PRIVATELY.

I\'m sorry you\'ve bad luck on this board, but that is a risk WE all take and not the problem of Justin or NIGHTOWL.

Some Stuff For Sale On The Bay - mike - 03-05-2006

why would they not refund ur money?? i thats odd u need to call them and get ur money i hate paypal myself as a seller casue it cost so much but people wanna use it so they can be protected something is fishy anyway good luck on everything