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The Last House On The Left & The Hills Have Eyes - adam - 03-05-2006

I just watched these two movies last night for the first time, and I was wondering what some of you other horror fanatics\' extensive opinions were on these two films. I thought L.H. was a very uncomfortable movie to watch in a lot of cases, but I\'ve read that was part of Craven\'s plan. This movie was entertaining though ... sort of Big Grin I was kind of dissapointed because initially I was thinking this was just some freakhouse in a suburb. This movie was depressing at (many) times, as well as disturbing, even to today\'s standards. I can\'t help but think that Wes Craven is a pretty disturbed gentlemen himself. lol And Hills was pretty cool. Reminded me of the same feel the original TCM had. However, this movie was kind of weak with the main hairy guy reminding me of a scarred up version of the dude from Little House on the Prairie... (Last House on the Prairie Has Eyes?). Michael Berryman was great in it too. Both had a really gritty realism though, and I still think they\'re the type of films that should be seen at least. Only thing about them is I just don\'t enjoy rape and the like at all. Doesn\'t float my boat. What opinions did you people have?

The Last House On The Left & The Hills Have Eyes - JV13 - 03-05-2006

Last House was so tame to me. It was just stupid. It was just really odd to me. Not fun to watch at all. Not because it\'s "disturbing" or anything. It\'s just plain boring.

The Last House On The Left & The Hills Have Eyes - goaliehack - 03-05-2006

Never dug to much into the Last House on the Left, but to me The Hills Have Eyes is where its at as far as horror. IMO with out The Hills Have Eyes darker flicks like the Devils Rejects would never have spawned.

The Last House On The Left & The Hills Have Eyes - Last_of_the_Brunnen-G - 03-05-2006

I\'ve never seen either of them as far as I can remember. I agree with you about the rape thing. Terrible thing, uncool to depict.

The Last House On The Left & The Hills Have Eyes - goaliehack - 03-05-2006

Quote:I\'ve never seen either of them as far as I can remember.  I agree with you about the rape thing.  Terrible thing, uncool to depict.
It\'s HORROR.....

The Last House On The Left & The Hills Have Eyes - adam - 03-05-2006

Never dug to much into the Last House on the Left, but to me The Hills Have Eyes is where its at as far as horror. IMO with out The Hills Have Eyes darker flicks like the Devils Rejects would never have spawned.
Yeah, I could see a lot of stuff that happened in Devil\'s Rejects in those two movies.. some just a nod, some a duplicate almost. The new remake they are making for The Hills Have Eyes looks pretty good so far.. that little girl is freaky.. its always those damned little girls that creep me out.

The Last House On The Left & The Hills Have Eyes - WestlakeDarkman - 03-05-2006

I haven\'t seen those movies either they. don\'t seem that interesting to me.

The Last House On The Left & The Hills Have Eyes - Hauntmaster9 - 03-05-2006

Hills have eyes is the shit, just feels like a snuff movie. The rape scene was so uncomfortable and disturbing.

The Last House On The Left & The Hills Have Eyes - adamms - 03-05-2006

last house on the left was awsume, one movie similar to it is I spit on your grave, which i couldnt stand, IMO that one was boring as crap, i goint o go see hills have eyes next weekend h opefully

The Last House On The Left & The Hills Have Eyes - Ben_Forsaken - 03-05-2006

Quote:I can\'t help but think that Wes Craven is a pretty disturbed gentlemen himself.

I always heard if you want to make a scary film, make the audience scared of the director. Make them think, "what kind of sick bastard would put this on film?!?!"

Guess he did his job well.

I think both films are classics, but I only watch them like once every couple years.