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New Zombie Sculpt Wip - Printable Version

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New Zombie Sculpt Wip - Mask Murderers - 03-07-2006

Better pics in my second post!

Started this tonight, figured I have not done anything original in awhile so I felt the need to LOL & I like doing zombies so here is my newest one in the works.

Hope you guys like.


New Zombie Sculpt Wip - Mask Murderers - 03-07-2006

Here is a few more, don\'t mind the discoloration of the clay, some of my monster makers clay was a little different in color.

New Zombie Sculpt Wip - frosty - 03-07-2006

Looking good so far bud!, you\'ve been pumping out some quality stuff, good to see original pieces as well.

New Zombie Sculpt Wip - D-bach - 03-07-2006

another fine sculpture Bob, man your really puting in the work, wow!

New Zombie Sculpt Wip - HorrorFX - 03-07-2006

I LOVE IT :happy: !

New Zombie Sculpt Wip - Ben_Forsaken - 03-07-2006

Zombies kick ass

New Zombie Sculpt Wip - Mutilated - 03-07-2006

Coming along good bob. :thumbsup:

New Zombie Sculpt Wip - Mask Murderers - 03-07-2006

Thanks guys, my objective here is to make him look as real as possible but still giving him that oh shit I am dead look so i will see what I can do with this & keep you all posted!

Thanks again!