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Dock Demon - Printable Version

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Dock Demon - Dreamdemon - 02-24-2004

Hi Guys

Well I guess I will repost this since the old post is gone now. Here is a pic of my New Doc Demon mask (Demon Freddy from the dock scene in FvsJ )
[Image: Dfpainted2.JPG]

More pics can be seen here[url=\"\"]Dock Demon[/url] If interested PM or e-mail me for details. It is available as a mask and a bust.


Dock Demon - SPAZ - 02-24-2004

Like I\'ve said before AWSOME mask

Dock Demon - Tarman - 02-24-2004

Nice job!

Dock Demon - VF31 - 02-24-2004

yep, insane mask....!

Dock Demon - NightmareKiller - 02-25-2004

Is it good? YOU BET YOUR FRIGGIN ASS IT IS!!!!!! :lol: Great job once agian, and be sure to tell us when your web comes out, and if your still making it, can you still post it anyways? That is one great mask...

Dock Demon - Dreamdemon - 02-25-2004

I am selling it now Smile PM or E-mail if intersted, want to be polite and not post price since this is NIGHTOWLs board. My website should be up with in 2-3 weeks I hope. I am glad you all like the mask.


Dock Demon - OwlHunter - 02-26-2004


Dock Demon - Jason-V - 02-26-2004

yeah sweet ass mask!!!!

Dock Demon - travsall - 02-26-2004

I\'ve said it before and I\'ll say it again, outstanding job on the Dock Demon Aaron! You really captured the look, and feel of the character, he came out perfect!!

Dock Demon - Pugsly - 02-26-2004

Awesome mask ! great detail to it.Amazing job.