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Couple New Scores.. - Printable Version

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Couple New Scores.. - Jason-V - 03-30-2006

Well its been a looooongg wait..

But today i got my dawn from Jon. I also got a blank BUB thats going to Mr. Mcullagh\'s house with me and Pugz this weekend for a "makeover".

I love the dawn,, and the blank.. i kinda got tired of the wait, and excuses, but aside all that.. im happy to have these.. and Jon did an amazing Job.

thanks Jon!

Couple New Scores.. - Mutilated - 03-30-2006

I love the dawn but not a big fan of that wig, lol. None the less great score bro.

Couple New Scores.. - Detritus - 03-30-2006

Excuse my ignorance, but where do you guys find stuff like this?

Couple New Scores.. - Ben_Forsaken - 03-30-2006

Cool man! I love Zombies!!!

Couple New Scores.. - Jason-V - 03-30-2006

Thanks dudes..

Hmm.. well D.. you can find them here or at other site..

the is a great mask community site..

Theres mask makers all over these boards.. just gotta watch out for em!!!

Couple New Scores.. - Detritus - 03-30-2006

Pretty cool stuff, and thanks for the info.

I have a feeling my wife will put a slight crimp in my collecting, but I may be able to sneak a few past her. Tongue

Couple New Scores.. - TallDarkandDisfigured - 03-30-2006

I\'d love a blank BUB mask! It\'s one of those masks that has to be just right though. It either has it or it doesn\'t...

Couple New Scores.. - hellbound81 - 03-30-2006

Thats awesome! Im sure conor will do magic with the blank Bub.

Couple New Scores.. - ssj4freddy - 03-30-2006

Conor + Bub blank = Teh awesomeness!!11!

Couple New Scores.. - ALLOUTMASSACRE - 03-30-2006

Yeah Tell C to post pics progress pics!