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Just Watched Saw 2 - Printable Version

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Just Watched Saw 2 - Savage - 03-30-2006

Superb movie..i loved it. What did you think of it??

Just Watched Saw 2 - hellbound81 - 03-30-2006

I enjoyed it just as much as the first, good twisted flick. :devil:

Just Watched Saw 2 - frosty - 03-30-2006

You know i loved it, not the usual pg 13 stuff, some gruesome kills in it.

Just Watched Saw 2 - ALLOUTMASSACRE - 03-30-2006

I enjoyed the story and plot more then then the first one. It reminded me alot of the Cube series and I love those. Also got to love a Walberg haha, he actually did make a good bad cop.

Just Watched Saw 2 - GBeninati - 03-30-2006

I loved it. Franky G is one angry latino MF!!

Just Watched Saw 2 - 3pidemiC - 03-30-2006

Yes, very nice movie. A worthy followup to the first.

Just Watched Saw 2 - Martoch - 03-30-2006

Loved it!

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I really don\'t like the idea of the woman carrying on jigsaw\'s work though.

Just Watched Saw 2 - kidtaff - 03-30-2006

saw 2 was great, but no where near as good as the first, SAW 1 had great suspence and drama, but saw 2 was just anther good horror film