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Some Outside Pics Of My Masks - Printable Version

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Some Outside Pics Of My Masks - dougie - 03-30-2006

Hey guys took some masks outside to get some good pics and this is what I got.

Hope you guys like them :thumbsup:


Some Outside Pics Of My Masks - dougie - 03-30-2006



Some Outside Pics Of My Masks - Mutilated - 03-30-2006

Great masks man!

Some Outside Pics Of My Masks - D-bach - 03-30-2006

ok dougie im starting to feel like your teasing me with these pics LOL. nice collection they look good out in the sun.

Some Outside Pics Of My Masks - dougie - 03-30-2006

Thanks guys

Here are some of my fod vs Hockey Mask

Some Outside Pics Of My Masks - VF31 - 03-30-2006


Some Outside Pics Of My Masks - Detritus - 03-30-2006

That Freddy mask is frickin awesome! So real. Natural light is great for pics ain\'t it?

Some Outside Pics Of My Masks - HalloweeN - 03-30-2006

You\'ve got some really nice peices there! Thanks for sharing!

Some Outside Pics Of My Masks - adam - 03-31-2006

Looks cool Dougie, but man, the Hellbilly needs some Oxy or something for its face! Big Grin

Some Outside Pics Of My Masks - myers413 - 03-31-2006

AWESOME mask doug and nice pic, especialy the mutant :yes: