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First Hock Paint Job - Printable Version

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First Hock Paint Job - TallDarkandDisfigured - 03-31-2006

OK so I had this blank forever and finally got around to doing it. Did a part 3 version(buttons are going on soon) and was wondering what anyone thinks? How are the Tri\'s? Not sure if I should weather it or not though

Now I have to figure out what the straps look like.

[Image: Hock3.jpg]

First Hock Paint Job - SPAZ - 03-31-2006

looks pretty killer so far for your first

First Hock Paint Job - D-bach - 03-31-2006

looks great i love the look of clean part 3\'s. forhead tri could arch up a little more and be a little thicker, but its looks great.

First Hock Paint Job - Mutilated - 03-31-2006

Looks good but a little TOO clean. Weather that SOB up. Smile

First Hock Paint Job - VF31 - 03-31-2006

thats terrible...

cut off your arms me...

ok seriously tho..looks cool man....u should weather it even if only to get used to knowing how to weather a Hockey Mask....

First Hock Paint Job - TallDarkandDisfigured - 03-31-2006

Thanks guys, I think I\'ll weather it just a bit, after a clear coat though so I can take it off if I mess up.. I\'m watching Part 3 now in slow motion trying to figure out the straps...

First Hock Paint Job - mrmorningside - 03-31-2006

looks good Smile

First Hock Paint Job - D-bach - 03-31-2006

check the screen cap thread out theres ton of good pics in there

First Hock Paint Job - SPAZ - 03-31-2006

paint, sand, paint, sand, paint
its fun Big Grin

First Hock Paint Job - TallDarkandDisfigured - 03-31-2006

Quote:check the screen cap thread out theres ton of good pics in there

That thread is murder on dial up.. Sad