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You Favourite Halloween Mask? - Printable Version

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You Favourite Halloween Mask? - noxious_infestation - 05-31-2004

So many films! So many different masks and sculptors recreations.But which mask is your favourite or most accurate in your opinion????

For me it would have to be this little Beauty!!
I love this mask!!

You Favourite Halloween Mask? - UndeadGoalie - 05-31-2004

I would say that the NMM78 is my favorite. I should be getting mine hopefully by the end of this week. Big Grin

You Favourite Halloween Mask? - noxious_infestation - 05-31-2004

Who does the NMM78 Again??

You Favourite Halloween Mask? - UndeadGoalie - 05-31-2004

Justin did the sculpture and sometimes offers the mask for ordering but Terry at CGP did mine. He and Justin did a joint deal on a couple runs of the NMM78. Justin supplied Terry with the blank pulls and Terry did the finishing work (paint & hairing).

You Favourite Halloween Mask? - Dead*meaT - 05-31-2004

NMM78 by farrrrr

You Favourite Halloween Mask? - Krypt Kreeper - 05-31-2004

Aside from a 75 Kirk, the NMM78 is the ULTIMATE Myers mask IMHO. With any luck I\'ll have mine in the next few weeks! The KH/DW comes in at a very close second.

You Favourite Halloween Mask? - jasonxmask - 05-31-2004

"CURSE" mask is my fav

You Favourite Halloween Mask? - Pugsly - 05-31-2004

mine is the NMM78!

You Favourite Halloween Mask? - VF31 - 05-31-2004





You Favourite Halloween Mask? - travsall - 05-31-2004

NMM 78 Hands down, end of story. Dosen\'t get any closer unles you can find an original Kirk to convert, (LOL yeah right!) or unless you skin Shatner and wear his face painted white... Hey, that give\'s me an idea *heads to star trek convention* :blink: