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Hands - Printable Version

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Hands - Colt45 - 04-09-2006

Does anyone know where i can get some zombie style hands?

Hands - D-bach - 04-09-2006

twisted toy box

Hands - coreyfeldman - 04-09-2006

Quote:twisted toy box

Chris makes some kick ass hands.

Hands - TallDarkandDisfigured - 04-09-2006

I\'d love to see some SPFX hands to go with the masks...

Hands - Colt45 - 04-09-2006

Thanks all but i was looking for more dawn of the dead style ones to match my airport zombie mask.

Hands - Pugsly - 04-09-2006

Death Studios sales zombies hands..........

Hands - Colt45 - 04-09-2006

Quote:Death Studios sales zombies hands..........

They dont have those anymore...