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Masks For Sale.... - Printable Version

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Masks For Sale.... - HERETIC - 04-09-2006

Okay, so I managed to spend a grand this past week acquiring some new items, so I have to clear space and make up some of my spending, so the following items are for sale....The first bunch are ones I am definately selling, the second bunch I will consider selling if the offer is right. Please either send me a PM, or during the week, email me at The price listed for the first bunch is my general range, shipping included in the US, shipping overseas is $20.00 extra. I accept paypal only, and I will not hold items. First come, first serve.

1. Cinema Secrets Pinhead: I completely removed the pins, replaced them with more accurate length ones, and repainted this fella...: $45.00
[Image: pinhead7wg.jpg]

2. heretic Productions Damnation prototype: $100.00
[Image: damn3kt.jpg]

3. SOLD to METALSLUG 76......David Miller Creations Jason Pt 4 mask w/ 2 eyes (most have 1) and cert, plus shirt for diaplay (mask can be worn if you choose to make a slit above the eyes, but it is otherwise uncut) : $150.00
[Image: dmc48vv.jpg]

4. SOLD Hide and Seek 81 H1 Prototype: $125.00
[Image: has813vt.jpg]

5. heretic Productions KM w/ blood tears #1 of 1: $120.00
[Image: km3jz.jpg]

Masks For Sale.... - HERETIC - 04-09-2006

6. unknown customized pinhead: $30.00
[Image: newpinhead2oe.jpg]

7. SOLD TO MR MORNINGSIDE NIGHTOWL F4 Hockey Mask (pretty rare from what I am told....first one I had I broke, but liked it so much I had to get another): $120.00
[Image: nof47mg.jpg]

8. heretic Productions NIGHTOWL H1/H2 #1 of 1 : $80.00
[Image: h1h20gj.jpg]

9. Prop Knife (basically the same as my lamson, but doesn\'t have the letters on the handle): $60.00
[Image: knife2im.jpg]

10. SOLD heretic Productions Red October H1 #1 of 1. I made this from a REd October blank, as I figured the sculpture was pretty damn close to the nemesis as well as the SD78, but didn\'t want to ruin my SD78, plus, unlike the nemesis and most SD\'s, this mask will actually fit.: $170.00
[Image: ro2rz.jpg]

Masks For Sale.... - HERETIC - 04-09-2006

11. My personal Samhain, back from when I did the run, I "bought" one for my collection, uncut in the back, comes with eye inserts: 100.00
[Image: sammy1gu.jpg]

12. SOLD UL75 H1 from BMM blanks: $125.00
[Image: ul752tc8bn.jpg]

Masks For Sale.... - HERETIC - 04-09-2006


13. WHITEY : 200.00
[Image: whitey2gz.jpg]

14. NO/CGP NMM78 #23 : 350.00
[Image: nocgpnmm6lk.jpg]

15. Original NO NMM78, with stamp on back...I assume it\'s from an early run: 300.00
[Image: nmm78new1xw.jpg]

16. Original NO NMM78, signed inside. Completely repainted, hair hand dyed. 275.00
[Image: nmm78repaint0qr.jpg]

Masks For Sale.... - mrmorningside - 04-09-2006

thanks again bro Smile

Masks For Sale.... - sidewinder420 - 04-09-2006

Nice part 4 Hockey Mask..

Masks For Sale.... - HERETIC - 04-10-2006

UL75 and NO F4 sold.

Masks For Sale.... - Metalslug76 - 04-10-2006

Quote:UL75 and NO F4 sold.
P.M. sent on the David Miller Creations Jason Pt 4 mask w/ 2 eyes

Masks For Sale.... - HERETIC - 04-12-2006

ebayed some .....
