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Newest Score - Mr_Cynical - 04-12-2006

Well I got my KMV2 in from JITB and I am not all that thrilled to be totally honest, I like the sculpture of the mask but the paint job just is not what I expected. This is my first myers mask I have owed besides that junk one that spencers sells. The paint kinda looks like he was working on dry wall and mudding lol and then had a few charcoals come tumbling down on his face. Give me your thoughts .. *shrugs

Oh yeah .. someone teach me how to use little pictures as links

[Image: km11dd.jpg]
[Image: kmv27jy.jpg]
[Image: kmv32jv.jpg]

Newest Score - The Duel Truck Driver - 04-12-2006

Hey buddy,

To be honest, i don\'t think its that bad atall. I like the paint effect, but i see what you\'re saying. The hairing is good, nice color, nice thickness too. There are some good details on it. The pull is nice and smooth too.

Somehow though, it doesnt quite look H2 does it? Why not try adding some detailing on yourself? KM\'s can really look KILLER with the correct weathering.

Here\'s some pics of my CGP KM2, use them as reference if you like. Cool

[Image: KM222016.jpg]
[Image: KM222048.jpg]
[Image: KM222068.jpg]
[Image: KM222080.jpg]
[Image: KM222017.jpg]

Good luck with it. Smile