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Part Four Machete On Ebay - Printable Version

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Part Four Machete On Ebay - frosty - 04-13-2006

Well its on the bay now, working on another couple as we speak so i will have more done soon.
Not really looking for trades, but if you have any cool fred gloves etc you want to part with let me know!
Item number is
Don\'t know how to link, yes i am thick!

Part Four Machete On Ebay - krazedkilla - 04-13-2006

Here\'s the link; [url=\"\"]Frostys Machete Part Four[/url] Looks great Frosty and no reserve price either! :teehee:

Part Four Machete On Ebay - frosty - 04-13-2006

Thanks for the link buddy!
Yup taking a chance there but what the hell! its easter! :laugh:

Part Four Machete On Ebay - Martoch - 04-13-2006

Holy huge Christmas font in your auction!

Good luck with the sale, bud...what a cool piece.

Part Four Machete On Ebay - Jason-V - 04-14-2006

very nice peice man!!

Part Four Machete On Ebay - JOEY - 04-14-2006

Looks great Frosty! I love it.

Part Four Machete On Ebay - frosty - 04-14-2006

thanks guys!, gotta love that christmas font!, big and bold!

Part Four Machete On Ebay - adamms - 04-14-2006

i bid on it, go ahead, outbid me, i dare u all! :verymad: :verymad: :verymad: :verymad: :yucky: :yucky: :yucky: :yucky:

Part Four Machete On Ebay - Ruste Dowg - 04-14-2006

Thats one cracking piece Ian!
If any of you guys win and want a P4 Hockey Mask to go with it then just let me know as Ian used one of my hockey masks for reference and it would fit perfectly.

Part Four Machete On Ebay - frosty - 04-14-2006

Thats right, it\'ll still fit regardles of the machete cut,and it will hide the damage two, i will even throw in an eye insert so you get both eyes when its wearing the Hockey Mask