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Scarecrow Collection - Printable Version

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Scarecrow Collection - Jason-V - 04-14-2006

Well i got 2 more scarecrow masks in today!! Theres one more out there that i wont.. and JB sells it..

Anyways heres some pics.. and some collection pics as well..


Scarecrow Collection - Jason-V - 04-14-2006

take that back. theres 3 that i wont.. Harvester.. JB\'s.. and the new one Chris puts out that Pugz commisoned..

Scarecrow Collection - TallDarkandDisfigured - 04-14-2006

Nice stuff! Love the one in the middle..The puppy calender is a bit outta place though... Tongue
I still have to get a TT Scarecrow. damn UPS blew that deal on me.

Scarecrow Collection - HalloweeN - 04-14-2006

Great collection!

Scarecrow Collection - Jason-V - 04-15-2006

Quote:Nice stuff! Love the one in the middle..The puppy calender is a bit outta place though... Tongue
I still have to get a TT Scarecrow. damn UPS blew that deal on me.

What can is say... i love jack russells!!!!!

Scarecrow Collection - Detritus - 04-15-2006

Damn, the one on the middle and the one next to the Jason mask give me a serious set of the creeps just looking at them! :thumbsup:

Scarecrow Collection - Jason-V - 04-15-2006

Quote:Damn, the one on the middle and the one next to the Jason mask give me a serious set of the creeps just looking at them! :thumbsup:

Thanks!!!!!! :thumbsup:

Scarecrow Collection - Krazy Ken - 04-15-2006

very cool man, gotta love scarecrows.

What is that zombie beside the Retribution?

Scarecrow Collection - Mr_Cynical - 04-15-2006

Awesome collection man!! Where did you get the shroom head and mud masks at?

Scarecrow Collection - Jason-V - 04-15-2006

the zombie is a massed produced prop i got off the bay for 30..

Im gonna repaint it..

I make the mush masks... and the KUD mask was a commison that Chris Russell did for me.. the other blank one with white paint on it was a test copy he gave me.. i need to redo it to and add some hair!