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Another Sw Project Finished - Andy - 04-23-2006

Hey Guys

Well I\'ve just finished my latest project and ticked another off the list. I knew pretty early on when I started the Star Wars helmet side of my collection that I\'d need to add a Sandtrooper to the line up and it also sounded like a fun project, plus a chance to dust off the paints and get my hands dirty again Tongue Scored myself a GF copy kit from the same guy I bought my GF stunt from and got to work on it as soon as it arrived. Real nice kit with just the usual triming and cutting required and it all bolted together a treat. Then it was paint time, primer, gloss white then out with the acrylics, took me back to my Hockey Mask days.

Took plenty of pics for y\'all but I wont bore you with all of them, knocked up this progress pic instead :wink:

[Image: progress.jpg]

And here\'s some shots of the completed lid. Had a few reference pics and screen caps but to be honest I had a pretty good idea of how I wanted it to look in my head. Well worn and very dirty with a little battle damage too, and this is it...

[Image: sandy36.jpg]

[Image: sandy60.jpg]

[Image: sandy58.jpg]

Few close-ups...

[Image: sandy49.jpg]

Another Sw Project Finished - Andy - 04-23-2006

[Image: sandy56.jpg]

[Image: sandy55.jpg]

Little blaster action...

[Image: sandy51.jpg]

Arty image for the hell of it...

[Image: sandy69.jpg]

And then there were 7...

[Image: sandy40.jpg]

One of the most enjoyable projects I\'ve gone for so far and I\'m damn happy with how it came out. Love to try a full Sandy armour now....someday Tongue

Thanks for viewing guys.

Another Sw Project Finished - Sinister - 04-23-2006

Wonderful Job on those Andy! :thumbsup: How long does it normally take you to do it?

Another Sw Project Finished - TallDarkandDisfigured - 04-23-2006

Damn fine work Andy! Nice and dirty! Did you use pastel chalks or just paints to weather it up?
Oh and PM coming!

Another Sw Project Finished - Fael - 04-23-2006

Hey Andy, I love it. Very similar :thumbsup:


Another Sw Project Finished - Andy - 04-23-2006

Thanks alot guys.

This one took me a good day and a half. I received the kit friday and just did a little trimming friday night. Spent most of yeterday on it and finished it up this morning.

No chalks, all the weathering was done with watered down acrylics and a selection of brushes and sponges, or a little finger action :blink:
PM replied to Dan :wink:

Another Sw Project Finished - TallDarkandDisfigured - 04-23-2006

A good day and a half? You\'re a freak! That\'d take me a month or more! Tongue

Another Sw Project Finished - Andy - 04-23-2006

Big Grin When I get stuck into something I just can\'t leave it alone until I\'m spent.

OK, that sounded wrong :blink:

Another Sw Project Finished - SideshowFreak - 04-23-2006

WOW that looks sweeeet Andy! Love the collection. Also did you paint up the boba fett, Boba rules. :thumbsup:

Another Sw Project Finished - EVOL - 04-23-2006

Looks very nice Andy!

Kick ass stuff! :thumbsup: