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Silent Hill #1 At The Box Office. - Printable Version

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Silent Hill #1 At The Box Office. - JOEY - 04-24-2006

What did you think of it?

I liked it. There were some insane things going on in this flick. Pretty creepy at times. I played the Playstation game once and remembered a few things from the game that happened in the movie.

Acting was so/so here and there, but I\'d loved all of the scenes when the siren blew and the darkness came.

Silent Hill #1 At The Box Office. - Ben_Forsaken - 04-24-2006

I loved it, very creepy. and the...


titty twister from hell was awesome!!

Silent Hill #1 At The Box Office. - JOEY - 04-24-2006

wow.... yeah, that was brutal!!!!!!!!

Silent Hill #1 At The Box Office. - DragoBloodlust - 04-24-2006

I haven\'t seen it yet, but I\'m gonna go tonight.

Silent Hill #1 At The Box Office. - 3pidemiC - 04-24-2006

Didn\'t have a chance to go see it this weekend. Couple of my friends went (who were big fans of the games) said it was crap. Bad acting being the worst part of the whole film. I may go see it now, I dunno.

Silent Hill #1 At The Box Office. - DiedLaughing - 04-24-2006

Tons of bad acting, but overall it was fun to watch at least once. The sirens/darkness were awesome. Some good gore here and there too.

Silent Hill #1 At The Box Office. - noxious_infestation - 04-24-2006

Looking forward to seeing it, completed 1 ,2 and 3, But 3 was definately the best,scary as hell! . 4 wasnt great never bothered trying to complete it. All in all, scary ass games!

Silent Hill #1 At The Box Office. - Sinister - 04-24-2006

I watched it Friday and Saturday, and was disappointed at first. I\'ve played all the games, and I didnt care for the story change toward the end. But as a stand alone entry to the series, it was pretty good. Didnt really follow the first one toward the end though.

Silent Hill #1 At The Box Office. - IbDaToNeGuY - 04-24-2006

can\'t wait to see it . i\'ll have to go within the next day or 2 . i\'ve played all the games and loved them . oooo i wonder if they will come out with one for my 360 ?


Silent Hill #1 At The Box Office. - Ben_Forsaken - 04-24-2006

Bad acting ruined it? who goes to a horror movie expecting to see good acting?

They can\'t all be Jessica Biel