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Fod Hock & Kemper 4 Sale - Printable Version

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Fod Hock & Kemper 4 Sale - IbDaToNeGuY - 04-24-2006

i hate doing this without having a pic but i promise i\'ll do my best to get one up in the next few days . i have here a Dream Boiler Hockey Mask made by Mike of FOD . I\'m offering this at regular price shipped and not uping the price because of wait time . I\'m asking $115 total and this does not have leather straps but you can always add them yourself . or if you just happen to have a final battle Hockey Mask by Mike , i\'d be more than happy to trade off .


Fod Hock & Kemper 4 Sale - IbDaToNeGuY - 04-25-2006

this is a pic of the Hockey Mask from the guy i bought it from .



Fod Hock & Kemper 4 Sale - kidtaff - 04-25-2006

dont u mean the opposite? not flash and flash? (sorry about this pointless post! :pinch: )

cool mask anyways :thumbsup: good luck on the sale

Fod Hock & Kemper 4 Sale - IbDaToNeGuY - 04-25-2006

i didn\'t make that . it was a picture from the previous owner like i stated above . he was the one who wrote that .


Fod Hock & Kemper 4 Sale - Martoch - 04-25-2006

Here\'s a better pic of the Hockey Mask...I\'m not going to resize the \'no flash\' pic as it would be pointless.

Cool piece, good luck with the sale!

Fod Hock & Kemper 4 Sale - IbDaToNeGuY - 04-25-2006

thanks alot for the help . yeah i hope the sale works out soon .


Fod Hock & Kemper 4 Sale - IbDaToNeGuY - 05-02-2006

update , i\'ll throw in a kemper mask made by Mark Goodson that was painted by Mike as well . sorry i don\'t have pics right now but if you really need them asap i can take some with my camera phone . so it\'s $115 shipped for a FOD Vs. Hockey Mask dream boiler and the kemper .


Fod Hock & Kemper 4 Sale - Colt45 - 05-02-2006

Quote:update , i\'ll throw in a kemper mask made by Mark Goodson that was painted by Mike as well . sorry i don\'t have pics right now but if you really need them asap i can take some with my camera phone . so it\'s $115 shipped for a FOD Vs. Hockey Mask dream boiler and the kemper .


Do you have a picture of the kemper?

Fod Hock & Kemper 4 Sale - IbDaToNeGuY - 05-02-2006
