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New (shirts) Scores! - Printable Version

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New (shirts) Scores! - 3pidemiC - 05-21-2006

Here are the 4 shirts that I picked up at the convention that I attended recently. It\'s cool because I havn\'t been able to find a good Day of the Dead, Dawn of the Dead, Halloween, or Friday the 13th shirt in years! Screw those lame ones that Hot Topic sells...


New (shirts) Scores! - HalloweeN - 05-21-2006

Damn nice lookin shirts! Congrats!!

New (shirts) Scores! - Fael - 05-21-2006

I love the Shirts

New (shirts) Scores! - Darth Pogo - 05-21-2006

Nice scores, man. Love the Flyboy shirt! Do you remember who did those Myers and J-man shirts? Anyone else know? Thase are the hotness. Congrats hope the con rocked.

New (shirts) Scores! - 3pidemiC - 05-21-2006

Thanks for the kind words.

You can read all about it here:


New (shirts) Scores! - myers413 - 05-21-2006

congrats for your shirt tyler :thumbsup:

New (shirts) Scores! - Jason - 05-21-2006

love\'em, nice pick up

New (shirts) Scores! - puckface - 05-21-2006

where could I get a Jman shirt like that?

New (shirts) Scores! - 3pidemiC - 05-21-2006

Here is the link to the online store of the stand that sold the shirts. Unfortunatly, that specific shirt is not listed.


New (shirts) Scores! - puckface - 05-21-2006

thats becuase those are officially lisenced shirts, the shirts that you bought were more then likely custom made and they dont have the rights to sell them

but does that ever stop anyone? :lol: