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One Day Left! - Printable Version

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One Day Left! - noxious_infestation - 05-29-2006

Hey Guys,

Iv extended the date for the raffle. I will be picking out the winner this Thursday, as a few people said they did not see the post til recently so id like to give everyone a chance to jump on and help out.

Great prize to be won and the money is going to help a fellow NIGHTOWLer in a tough spot at the moment.

Up for grabs Is A DMC Roy And NIGHTOWL Flesh Hood plus a really cool display case from Matt at H.E.H Woodworks


Andy :thumbsup:

One Day Left! - Homicidal#9 - 05-29-2006

come on guys....this is a change to not only win some really nice stuff...but to also help out one of our own in their time of need....


One Day Left! - TallDarkandDisfigured - 05-29-2006

I\'ve got a whopping 4 bucks in my paypal. Not much but it\'d help him more than me.

One Day Left! - IbDaToNeGuY - 05-29-2006

i just bought 2 tickets . hope that helps out some .


One Day Left! - noxious_infestation - 05-31-2006

One day left guys!

One Day Left! - alvanaxe - 05-31-2006

I\'m in, good luck Andy.

Quote:One day left guys!

One Day Left! - IbDaToNeGuY - 06-09-2006

hey whatever happened to this ? who won ?


One Day Left! - Jason-V - 06-09-2006

Chad WARLOCK won.. its pinned at the top..

One Day Left! - Jason-V - 06-09-2006

well it was..

One Day Left! - IbDaToNeGuY - 06-09-2006

ok thanks . sorry i just never saw anything about it after the ONE DAY LEFT post . well congrats to you Chad . and i\'m glad the money went to a good cause .
