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Mask Community? In Hot Topic? - Printable Version

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Mask Community? In Hot Topic? - kidtaff - 06-20-2006

I went to the mall today with a couple friends.

We went to hot topic, and my friend jon saw a shirt from Fright Rags! It was cool to see it in a store!

Also we saw a belt that was all zombies and stuff. He told me it was all masks from death studios! I checked it out when I got home, and he was right! thats awsome to know that out mask community is spreading out a bit! Smile

There was also a cheap animatronic that burned guy at Spencer\'s Gifts. It was awsome, but the mask sucked. I\'m sure people here could remove the mask and put on a new one.

Mask Community? In Hot Topic? - WarLocK - 06-20-2006

I haven\'t ventured out to see these yet. I\'ll have to take a look. I\'m guessing that the Jman shirt you saw was the Alien looking hockey mask right?

Mask Community? In Hot Topic? - kidtaff - 06-20-2006

My friend says its the cheap 8 hole one... if thats what u mean then yes. It was a lil strange looking now that I think about it...

Mask Community? In Hot Topic? - WarLocK - 06-20-2006

Quote:My friend says its the cheap 8 hole one... if thats what u mean then yes. It was a lil strange looking now that I think about it...

Yea, it\'s unfortunate that Ben had to change that design due to copyright bs.

Mask Community? In Hot Topic? - kidtaff - 06-20-2006

Found the belt:


Mask Community? In Hot Topic? - Sinister - 06-21-2006

Quote:There was also a cheap animatronic that burned guy at Spencer\'s Gifts. It was awsome, but the mask sucked. I\'m sure people here could remove the mask and put on a new one.

Yeah I saw that this past Friday and almost bought the crap outta it just to have. Not bad a price for 60 bucks.

Mask Community? In Hot Topic? - ssj4freddy - 06-21-2006

Ummm, I saw a guy in the Charleston,WV Hot-Topic that had a Fright-Rags WWJ-manD T-shirt on. We are spreading! :happy:

Mask Community? In Hot Topic? - dougie - 06-21-2006

Quote:Yeah I saw that this past Friday and almost bought the crap outta it just to have.  Not bad a price for 60 bucks.

I have one its not bad but the paint suckles

Mask Community? In Hot Topic? - fright-rags - 06-21-2006

Quote:Yea, it\'s unfortunate that Ben had to change that design due to copyright bs.

Well, I do agree that it was unfortunate that I had to change the design...but it was either that, or stop selling it...and I always felt that the idea meant more than the design of the hockey mask.

However, it was probably the best thing to have happened because it allowed me to sell to Hot Topic, so I was able to make lemonade out of those lemons after all Smile In fact, I\'ve got another large order shipping to them next week so soon they will be in even more stores...not to mention it\'s still one of the best sellers on my site :biggrin:

Speaking of the mask community \"spreading\", Hot Topic is one of many other stores that will be carrying HorrorHound magazine starting with this new issue. That alone has the potential to introduce a whole new audience to this community. Yes, we a re spreading.... Big Grin :laugh:

Mask Community? In Hot Topic? - Ben_Forsaken - 06-21-2006

Ben! Wow! Congrats man, that\'s so cool for you!

glad I got the original shirt though, it\'s one of my favs.