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Jman Lives Costume - Printable Version

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Jman Lives Costume - jasonlives05 - 07-17-2006

Does anyone have a part 6 jman costume.

belt w pouches.

I need the whole thing. I got the Hockey Mask, and a undermask on the way.

Jman Lives Costume - WarLocK - 07-17-2006

shirt - dickies
pants - also dickies
gloves - wells lamont
boots - ebay
belt w/ pouches -ebay

The shirt, pants, and gloves you can score at Walmart. Dickies and Wells Lamont.

All of it can be bought for around $75.00

Jman Lives Costume - hellbound81 - 07-17-2006

Kmart always has dickies on sale :thumbsup:

Jman Lives Costume - jasonlives05 - 07-17-2006

Hey thx guys, gong to pick the stuff up now.