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Looking For Some Undermasks. - Printable Version

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Looking For Some Undermasks. - you'realldoomed - 07-19-2006

i need a part 2, 5(if one exists), 6, X(if one exisits) and VS(if one exisits). if anyone knows where i can find them or if someone is selling them let me know.

Looking For Some Undermasks. - puckface - 07-19-2006

as far as 5 goes, youd be searching for a while...most people just use a basic hood or, even better, a DMC hood

Jman X masks exists, they are rare, but you could hunt down a bet is to get the unreleased Don Post, which actually look decent but could always use a repaint

As far as Vs undermask, there are plenty, Id suggest either a Bogman from NIGHTOWL, or a Melonhead from Mike, both are great masks with great paintwork

Looking For Some Undermasks. - HalloweeN - 07-19-2006

I MAY have a NIGHTOWL VS undermask for sale. I\'ll let ya know pretty soon.

Looking For Some Undermasks. - Jason - 07-19-2006 makes a pretty decent part 2 and part 6

Looking For Some Undermasks. - onoman - 07-20-2006

Here\'s my part 2: Demented by Mask Murderers Smile