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Hockey In Progress - Printable Version

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Hockey In Progress - WarLocK - 06-19-2004

Well, I finally got around to doing some detail on my blank pt 4 Hockey Mask. It has just been sitting around here and I couldn\'t stand it any longer. Here\'s how it\'s looking so far........ still have a bit to work to do and add snaps/straps. You can really supersize these pics 2x!

All constructive criticism welcome.... tell me what you like and don\'t like about it so I can make the proper changes. Thanks.

Hockey In Progress - WarLocK - 06-19-2004

pic 2

Hockey In Progress - WarLocK - 06-19-2004


Hockey In Progress - WarLocK - 06-19-2004

pic 4

Hockey In Progress - WarLocK - 06-19-2004

I\'ll post updated pics in a week or so when I have some time to finish it.

Hockey In Progress - travsall - 06-19-2004

Well if nobody else is gonna say anything, I\'ll get the ball rolling! That looks real good Warlock, you did a damn good job with the paint there, great for the V2! The blood kicks ass too man, little epoxy mixed in with the paint? Adds a killer 3D look that really adds a ton to the realism!!

Hockey In Progress - WarLocK - 06-19-2004

Sure enough epoxy w/ paint did the trick. It stays a little moist so I\'ll probably seal it up with a high gloss clear coat shen it starts to dry to keep that wet look. The only thing I hate about painting up blanks is that I have to spend more money for an undermask when I\'m done. And that HH3 is looking mighty good right about now. Wink

Hockey In Progress - mike - 06-19-2004

hey man it looks great i dont really see much u can do..thers always a few little thingys u can add but thats one kick ass job there no finish it Tongue

Hockey In Progress - Andy - 06-19-2004


Lets see it snaped and straped. Wink

Hockey In Progress - TheChosenOne - 06-19-2004

Now that\'s a good looking hockey. Great job, man.