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Can Anyone Suggest Good Plaster? - Printable Version

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Can Anyone Suggest Good Plaster? - ToDreamNoMore - 06-28-2004

Hey all,
Can anyone suggest some good mold makng plaster? The stuff I\'m using now is giving me a hard time, and it\'s probably not meant for mask making. If you could tell me what to use, and where I can find it (online, or stores, etc.) I\'d appreciate it.
Thanks all,
Dave Smile

Can Anyone Suggest Good Plaster? - SPAZ - 06-28-2004

go to home depot and ask for casting plaster

Can Anyone Suggest Good Plaster? - null1 - 06-28-2004

Honestly, the best product to use is UltraCal-30. I get mine from a local hardware shop. Probably going to be hard to find localy but go through your phone and call every hardware and home improvement shop. You\'ll save a hell of allot of cash if you dont need to have it shipped. If youre lucky enough to find it localy it will probably be in a 100lb bag. For added streanght you can mix 2 bottle caps of acrylic cement fortifier to each bowl you mix up. Also, after your first couple of splash coats be sure to back it with hemp or burlap Smile good luck

Can Anyone Suggest Good Plaster? - ToDreamNoMore - 06-29-2004

I\'ll remember those names. Thanks all!
My main problem is the fact that the plaster I use bonds to the clay to the point that getting it off, even after several days of drying time, is very difficult without major damage.
Here\'s hoping though,

Can Anyone Suggest Good Plaster? - null1 - 06-29-2004

What type of clay are you using??

Can Anyone Suggest Good Plaster? - SPAZ - 06-29-2004

you should use oil based clay