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The Master! - Printable Version

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The Master! - Chainsaw9 - 09-20-2006

I am considering letting my Russ Lukich\'s THE MASTER go... If anyone is interested or has other questions, let me know!

Make this years Haunt one to remember!!

Russ Lukich\'s THE MASTER! $600 or best offer!
[Image: Master.gif]
[Image: Master2.gif]
[Image: Master3.gif]
[Image: Master1.gif]


The Master! - farid_krueger - 09-20-2006

PM sent..

The Master! - Voorhees Curse - 09-20-2006

[good lord all mighty that thing is sweet

The Master! - Chainsaw9 - 09-20-2006

Several people are interested in this and have offers pending. Nothing definite yet. So.. If anyone else want\'s to get into this, let me know. If you have any questions, let me know.

E-mail me at


The Master! - Chainsaw9 - 09-23-2006

By the way, this is Barlow, The Master #8 out of 20 I think... maybe less...

Here\'s a new pic...

[Image: Barlow5.gif]


The Master! - Dahone - 09-23-2006

I own #26

The Master! - VF 31 - 09-23-2006


The Master! - SoulCatharsis85 - 09-24-2006

I own #43

The Master! - Chainsaw9 - 09-25-2006

O.k. O.k... I said I "THOUGHT" it was limited to 20... so make it.. Limited run of 26... or Limited run of 43.... :wink:

Either way.. it\'s still a damn nice mask!!


The Master! - farid_krueger - 10-07-2006

PMed you...
let me know what you think.. Smile