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Tcm The Beginning - Printable Version

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Tcm The Beginning - DragoBloodlust - 10-09-2006

My wife amd I and some friends went to see TCM the Beginning earlier. It was f*ckin awesome. It answered such questions as Why do they eat people? Why use a chainsaw? How did R. Lee Ermy\'s character become sheriff? Why does Unce Monty have no legs? Whose face is Thomas Hewitt wearing in the first remake?

The death scenes and kills were gory as hell, and the suspense was phenominal!

So what did you all think?

Tcm The Beginning - stainboy - 10-09-2006


Tcm The Beginning - DragoBloodlust - 10-09-2006

Huh... I searched and it didn\'t give me that thread in the results.

Tcm The Beginning - myers04 - 10-09-2006

i went opening night and i agree with everything you said....just awsome...awsers all the questions....lets here everyones comments...