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Dead Guy - Printable Version

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Dead Guy - Fael - 10-09-2006

Ladies and Gentleman .... :laugh: Tongue Big Grin

Hey, The Dead Guy finally arrived. I love it since i saw when the member Krazy Ken post pics of it last year, and i would like say thanks to him to give me the chance to take it. :thumbsup:

[attachment=22005:attachment] [attachment=22006:attachment]
[attachment=22007:attachment] [attachment=22008:attachment]
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[attachment=22011:attachment] [attachment=22012:attachment]

Dead Guy - antisocial1 - 10-09-2006

That looks great! Congratulations!

Dead Guy - VF 31 - 10-09-2006

nice score and some nice setups u got there!

Dead Guy - JOEY - 10-10-2006

Nice masks you got on display there Fael. Great score bud.

Dead Guy - EVOL - 10-10-2006

Great display buddy!

Dead Guy - myers413 - 10-10-2006

YAHOOO BRO you are happy now i told you that he should arrived just be patient :thumbsup: great collection bro

Dead Guy - Krazy Ken - 10-10-2006

Glad it got there and that you dig it.

Dead Guy - dougie - 10-10-2006

Very nice!! Congrats.

Dead Guy - Fael - 10-10-2006

!!! Obrigado pelos comentários !!! Smile

Dead Guy - SICKNESS - 10-10-2006

Nice score Fael! Gotten some nice scores lately. Buildin up that collection!