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Batman/bruce Wayne - Printable Version

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Batman/bruce Wayne - Voorhees Curse - 10-11-2006

hmm...mainly looking to get opinions from the movies only....not the TV show. but hey, if adam west is your fav he is your fav. and i dig that. Big Grin anyway, in your opinion....who was the best batman? and who made the best bruce wayne? for me i would have to say the one...the ONLY Michael keaton....he really did an amazing job with the alter ego of batman....and also made a great business man type for bruce wayne. not sure if this topic has came up before...i searched it and i didn\'t see anything so i figured i\'d shoot it out there and see what you guys think. so, have at it! :biggrin:

Batman/bruce Wayne - DragoBloodlust - 10-11-2006

For me its a half and half deal. Michael Keaton was the best Batman. He had the most intensity and obsession to play the Dark Knight. But, as far as Bruce Wayne; Val Kilmer is the man. Val has the millionaire playboy look down to a T.

Batman/bruce Wayne - WarLocK - 10-11-2006

Michael Keaton is the only Batman/Bruce to me. No one else comes close.

Batman/bruce Wayne - gega - 10-11-2006

The animated series was great. All the characters were fleshed-out well -great voice work.

Christian Bale did a good job, but I like Michael Keaton\'s...

Batman/bruce Wayne - Chainsaw - 10-11-2006

Quote:Michael Keaton is the only Batman/Bruce to me.  No one else comes close.

I gotta say I agree with Chad on this one. Michael has always been my fav... an untouchable Batman in my opinion.

Val Kilmer gets second vote for Wayne only.... but that\'s just because I met him :lol:

Batman/bruce Wayne - Clint - 10-11-2006

There is only ONE Batman, Michael Keaton....just like there is only ONE Superman.....

Batman/bruce Wayne - Hauntmaster9 - 10-11-2006

Keaton here too, as cool as batman begins was the 89\' and returns burton films are the only batmans for me.

Batman/bruce Wayne - stainboy - 10-11-2006

The whole batman question really comes down to who was the first silver screen batman you saw....

I think of Christopher Reeve as the only Superman and the elders get upset at me for forgetting Geroge Reeves. The next generation will say, "Christopher who?" as Brandon Routh\'s image will have cornered the market.

So, Keaton is the ultimate for me, seeing that he was my first big screener....but I\'ll never forget my old pal, Adam West.....

[Image: batman_1966_01.jpg]

Batman/bruce Wayne - Mutilated - 10-11-2006

Michael keaton is batman, no one else can touch him.

I do love adam west on family guy though. :lol: