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Sweating Under Latex Masks - djfrance - 10-19-2006

<span style=\'font-size:14pt;line-height:100%\'>I know that some of you guys have worked in Haunted Houses, or just wear your masks around. I was dressed up in my Halloween get up tonight, I had that latex mask on for maybe 15 minutes and by the time I was finished, my face was dripping wet. I\'ll have to wear it a lot longer than that. Would it help to powder the inside of the mask?
I also have this product called NO SWEAT. It\'s what clown\'s use under their makeup, it seals the skin. I wonder if that would work with a mask?
Any suggestions would be appreciated.</span>

Sweating Under Latex Masks - Voorhees Curse - 10-19-2006

you could always try wearing a thin taboggin to keep from sweating on the mask. i\'m not really educated much of this though. just a thought. :thumbsup: wait, is it the heat you\'re concerned with or sweating on the mask? or both?

Sweating Under Latex Masks - mike - 10-19-2006

no swaet is bascially a glue that seals ur pores it could also casue ya to get sick your body needs to sweat to cool it self and u will get hotter wearing a mask than makeup....the best thing to do is grab some towels and keep powedering threw out the night nad be a man

Sweating Under Latex Masks - Homicidal#9 - 10-19-2006

never heard of the no sweat stuff...try it out and let us know how it works....though i would think you would end up overheating really easily with that on. I have used a Balaclava alot of times when wearing a mask for long periods of time. It will be much hotter for you, but will act as a barrier for the mask to help minimize the sweat/latex interaction...


Sweating Under Latex Masks - GBeninati - 10-19-2006


I got one that is like really think spandex and the inside layer is really thin fleece. I then put powder on the inside of the mask and sprinkle some on the balaclava.

Sweating Under Latex Masks - puckface - 10-19-2006

powdering the inside of the mask usually reduces the sweating for me

kinda absorbes it in a way

Sweating Under Latex Masks - adam - 10-19-2006

Anyone else see the humor in the title? Or is it just too late? :blink: ... like without the \'masks\' part in the title...

Sweating Under Latex Masks - Willowman - 10-19-2006

Quote:Anyone else see the humor in the title? Or is it just too late? :blink:  ... like without the \'masks\' part in the title...

lol, dude...thanks for bringing that to my attention!

Sweating Under Latex Masks - stainboy - 10-19-2006

This suggestion might not help...but depending on how big your mask is, you can always throw in a mini fan. I equipped my Vader helmet with a mini fan to reduce sweating..Its worked for me so far....

Sweating Under Latex Masks - GBeninati - 10-19-2006

eat less salt???

isn;t it quite cold around halloween time?? step outside every so often, and take the mask off.