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No More Room In Hell - 3pidemiC - 11-01-2006

This has been something that I\'ve been meaning to share with all of you for quite some time now. As some of you may know, I work for a game modification called No More Room In Hell. It is a total conversion of the Half-Life 2 game engine on the PC. It is basically a game based around surviving against hoards of the the undead as an average civilian. We have been in product for about 3 years now, and we\'ve accumulated one of the biggest followings in the mod community. And we recently had a media update, and I thought that I would share it with all of you because I know that we\'ve definitely got some zombie fans around these parts.

Taken from [url=\"\"][/url], where you can find out any and all information about this game and get involved with the community as well:

Quote:First off I’d like to wish everyone a Happy Halloween!  I hope everyone is planning on dressing up like zombies and eating lots of  brains… um, I mean candy.

Secondly, I am very pleased to announce that we have reached a point where we are able to start testing our builds with an internal testing team.  We aim to allow veterans and a few select forum members to be the first to test.  Following that we will create a thread for beta testing applications on the forums for expanding the testing team.  More news on this will occur in the next few weeks.

Now onto the media!  However, there are a few things I’d like to say:  The first thing you may notice is the zombies.  We are currently having the rest of our zombie models rigged and animated to be put ingame so currently our screenshots feature many of the same zombies.  The next media release, however, you should see many new faces.  I would also like to say that we had attempted to prepare a gameplay trailer for the Halloween Media release but we felt that we should incorporate more of our zombies ingame before we show off any footage.  We will be releasing a trailer in the next few weeks.

Next I would like to welcome both Neo God and cyanidecotdpnuts to the team.  They are both amazing character modelers and have been cranking out zombies like they’re getting paid!

[Image: juliezombie1.jpg]
[Image: herbertzombie1.jpg]

Finally we have the ingame map shots.  As I mentioned before we are still currently working to get the rest of our undead army ingame so please understand these screenshots are still work in progress.  Any errors or the like that you may see will be fixed before the final release.

"Cabin Fever" by Slimz:

[Image: cabinfever1.jpg]
[Image: cabinfever3.jpg]  [Image: cabinfever4.jpg]

"City of Dawn" by Darth_Brush:

[Image: cityofdawn1.jpg]
[Image: cityofdawn3.jpg]

Finally I would like to add that we here at NMRiH are always looking for new, dedicated team members to help us in all fields (except audio).  If you think you have what it takes, send examples of your work and we will get back to you.  You can also post your application in our Applications forum which can be found [url=\"\"][/url]

We are also in search of someone to donate a dedicated server to us for testing purposes.  If you run a server hosting company or have a high-speed dedicated server that we can use, please drop me a line at

I hope that you all enjoy the media and have a very scary Halloween!

The NMRiH Team

For more information about this modification, and for more tasty media updates, please feel free to visit our website at: [url=\"\"][/url]. Thanks!

No More Room In Hell - IbDaToNeGuY - 11-01-2006

wow simply amazing . what is this coming out on ? sorry if it was posted and i may have missed it but i couldn\'t get my eyes off the pics


No More Room In Hell - Cory - 11-01-2006

It\'s a Half-Life 2 mod for the PC version of HL2...and it looks FANTASTIC! I need to go buy a copy of HL2 just so I can play this.

No More Room In Hell - spawn666 - 11-01-2006

Is this available yet?

No More Room In Hell - 3pidemiC - 11-01-2006

It\'s still being developed. But feel free to join the community and follow it\'s progress!

No More Room In Hell - creamedgeezer - 11-01-2006

About time you posted about this! I have been idling in the IRC channel for this mod for over a year, and just realized the other day that the 3pidemic here was the same guy there, lol. I can\'t wait to play this game!

No More Room In Hell - ssj4freddy - 11-01-2006

That looks awesome! I really appreciate the work that modders do because not only do they add onto or reinvigorate a game, but they also do it for free.

No More Room In Hell - 3pidemiC - 11-02-2006

Thanks a lot guys! Glad to see that there\'s an interest in this.

No More Room In Hell - EVOL - 11-02-2006

I own HL2 and i\'m looking forward to all the horror mods.

I\'ve always been a big fan of the mod community.

It\'s awesome to have a mod maker part of this community.

lol I had no idea you were, This is awesome!

ANy idea when it will be done? Will it be free or a set price?

It looks like an aweosme mod and something I am VERY excited about! :wub:

No More Room In Hell - 3pidemiC - 11-02-2006

It most likely will be done (first beta, not final) before the end of this year. And it will be free.