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New Camera, New Collection Pics! - Printable Version

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New Camera, New Collection Pics! - 3pidemiC - 11-03-2006

After departing with my CGP Nemesis about a month ago, I had a hard time figuring out what I wanted to do with the money. I finally decided on getting myself my own digital camera for a couple of reasons. The first reason is that the one I used previously belongs to my mom, and I wanted my own (so I could take it places and such). The other reason is that I wanted something that had better quality and better features. After doing some research, I decided on the Canon Powershot SD600 with Digital ELPH. I am very happy with my camera and it\'s quality. I thought I\'d test it out and take some collection shots. Enjoy!

[Image: h6_110306_sm.jpg] [Image: h6_110306_sm2.jpg] [Image: fromhell_110306_sm.jpg] [Image: fromhell_110306_sm2.jpg] [Image: mhead_110306_sm.jpg] [Image: mhead_110306_sm2.jpg] [Image: loomis_110306_sm2.jpg]

New Camera, New Collection Pics! - myers413 - 11-03-2006

exellent pics man

New Camera, New Collection Pics! - 3pidemiC - 11-03-2006

Thanks David.

New Camera, New Collection Pics! - petejig - 11-03-2006

Excellent pics! On your new camera, what mode did you use for the pics?

New Camera, New Collection Pics! - Last_of_the_Brunnen-G - 11-03-2006

Cool man. And might I add thats a very mature and responsible decision tyo buy something practical over a mask or something. Can\'t say I\'d do that.

New Camera, New Collection Pics! - 3pidemiC - 11-03-2006

I just used the "Auto" setting on it.

Thanks for the comments!

New Camera, New Collection Pics! - stainboy - 11-03-2006

Really awesome pics...but can I tell you I really appreciate the well-groomed hair of Loomis\'s goatee?