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Twisted Toybox Bloodseed - Printable Version

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Twisted Toybox Bloodseed - SuperDanDrista - 11-06-2006

45$ shipped takes it. Thick but wearable copy if you have a tiny head LOL. always seemed like a display copy to me.
[url=\"\"][Image: 296601501QWCXQY_th.jpg][/url]

Also for sale is this solid resin Count Dooku saber. I believe it is cast off an original as well. I have an extra so figured i\'d throw it up here. Just one of the dookus. 30$ shipped
[url=\"\"][Image: 2020495880051659064kovIiz_th.jpg][/url]

Lastly, I have this Puppetmaster head that I got but never actually did anything with. 25$ shipped takes it. Solid resin
[Image: 4htylbt.jpg]