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Vs Mask Nedeed! - Printable Version

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Vs Mask Nedeed! - tcm - 07-06-2004

hey all, im loooking to buy a half decent vs hockey mask, i can only pay with paypal, and ive only got $87.01 in paypa\l, so if any one could sell me one, or gimme a good sorta cheap site that would be great,

Vs Mask Nedeed! - IbDaToNeGuY - 07-06-2004

I have one that Jimmy made for me not that long ago and I re-painted it . I don\'t have any pics right now but I can get some in maybe a couple of days . $80 sounds good but I don\'t understand why you can\'t pay with a money order ? Now it is a vs. final battle mask with the scratches in it so I hope you don\'t mind that .


Vs Mask Nedeed! - jason8844 - 07-07-2004

ill give you mine for 70 it has an eye in it to! [url=\"\"]check it out[/url]
just scroll around to look at the pixx

Vs Mask Nedeed! - tcm - 07-07-2004

thanks guys, but im gonna order one from killNskin instead, ive been told hes the best on here. thanks anyway,

Vs Mask Nedeed! - Indica x - 07-07-2004

good move man

for the price he can\'t be beat