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Ebay - Ban This Bastard........ - Printable Version

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Ebay - Ban This Bastard........ - alvanaxe - 11-14-2006

For those with an auction with this guy - draftinjr8n3 - as your top bidder, BLOCK HIM He is bidding once you place the auction and then retracting just before the auction ends. This totally ruins your chance of having a buy it now! The person has been reported to Ebay so keep an eye out for him, he is top bidder on lots of auctions, maybe yours???

Ebay - Ban This Bastard........ - JOEY - 11-14-2006

Thanks for the heads up.

Ebay - Ban This Bastard........ - myersman - 11-14-2006

Dude i was reading this and im like "i\'ll watch out for this guy" then i look at my NEMESIS auction BCUZ and he was the top bidder. i huried up and deleted his bids on it like 2 mins ago <_<

Ebay - Ban This Bastard........ - alvanaxe - 11-14-2006

yea, be careful! This person has had 19 bid retractions and only had an Ebay account for a little over a month.

Quote:Dude i was reading this and im like "i\'ll watch out for this guy" then i look at my NEMESIS auction  BCUZ and he was the top bidder. i huried up and deleted his bids on it like 2 mins ago <_<

Ebay - Ban This Bastard........ - Pavement - 11-14-2006


Heads up, the current high bidder on your auction is "draftin8jr"

Seems like a very similar eBay username to the one you already canceled and blocked. His feedback is conviently "private" and he has 49 bid retractions in the past six months. You may want to block him, too. :ninja:

Good luck on your sale... :thumbsup:


Ebay - Ban This Bastard........ - jackinthebox600 - 11-14-2006


Ebay - Ban This Bastard........ - petejig - 11-14-2006

What on earth do you think his game is? What he\'s doing makes no sense.

Ebay - Ban This Bastard........ - alvanaxe - 11-14-2006

don\'t know but I hope they Ban him and his alter ego\'s.

Ebay - Ban This Bastard........ - myersman - 11-14-2006

Look at the message the original guy sent me.what an a$$hole <_<

How the filth flarm flarn filth are you gonna cancel my bid when i have all positive feedback and you never contacted me, its ok, you can shove your mask straight up your cornhole and im reporting you to ebay for this.

Ebay - Ban This Bastard........ - myersman - 11-14-2006

and the new high bidder is the same guy. i just don\'t care anymore. people these days are @$$holes :angry: