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Sold - jonl - 11-27-2006

I need some cash
$250 shipped
This mask was made by FOD and is one of the best roy\'s IMO

[Image: collectionmay06047.jpg]

Steve, if you see this and feel like adding some pics of when you had it to help my sale.. that would be super Smile haha

Sold - VF 31 - 11-27-2006

heres the only pic i have from when i owned it Smile

Sold - Crash - 11-27-2006

Quote:heres the only pic i have from when i owned it Smile

Nice Roy Hockey Mask. Cool pic there VF!

Sold - jonl - 11-28-2006

thanks for the pic steve, and thanks crash..... it is a nice Hockey Mask! Still for sale guys

Sold - jonl - 12-09-2006

still for sale!

Sold - mayney - 12-09-2006

Thats a lovely one...

Sold - jonl - 01-04-2007


Sold - jadedzen - 01-04-2007

why so much, when you can get one from his site for $150?

Sold - jonl - 01-04-2007

Quote:why so much, when you can get one from his site for $150?

Welp you get a $250 mask if you par $150 you get a $150 dollar mask.
Mike even says this himself man.
He put ALOT of time into this mask.

Sold - jadedzen - 01-04-2007

oh, no doubt time was put in. Didnt mean any disrespect. just was wondering, thats all.. :wink: