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New Shirt Designs! - Printable Version

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New Shirt Designs! - fright-rags - 01-02-2007

Hey all -

I haven\'t been around much lately due to the holidays and my daughter being born last month but in between eating way too many festive goodies and trying to get some sleep, I have just put up three new designs on the site. This is the first of many more to come this year...we have tons of stuff in the works and a few new artists added to the roster so look for more variety in the coming months.

Anyway, check out the new releases below and let me know what you think!

[url=\"\"][Image: thrill_me_sm.jpg][/url] [url=\"\"][Image: notld_sheriff_sm.jpg][/url] [url=\"\"][Image: videodrome_sm.jpg][/url]

New Shirt Designs! - myers413 - 01-02-2007

nice shirt bro :thumbsup:

New Shirt Designs! - Fang - 01-02-2007

Your designs are getting better and better, amazing detail. Love them.

New Shirt Designs! - myersman - 01-02-2007

I love them :thumbsup: Now send me one for free! :whistling: :woot:

New Shirt Designs! - 3pidemiC - 01-02-2007

Very cool. I might be ordering one soon!

New Shirt Designs! - VF 31 - 01-02-2007

i love the videodrome shirt!

New Shirt Designs! - SuperDanDrista - 01-02-2007

Isn\'t there a Killer Klowns shirt coming? Those look great

New Shirt Designs! - fright-rags - 01-02-2007

Thanks for the comments so far...glad you like\'em Smile

And yeah Dan, there will be a Killer Klowns shirt eventually...just didn\'t want to release it too soone after the Pennywise one Smile

New Shirt Designs! - SuperDanDrista - 01-02-2007

Alright well I\'m gonna be ordering a few things soon anyway so I can look sharp for transworld! LOL

New Shirt Designs! - Pugsly - 01-02-2007

Love the Night of the creeps and NOTLD ones.Ill have to pick up those for sure........