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Dont Deal With "barzo19" - Printable Version

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Dont Deal With "barzo19" - knewby - 01-19-2007

Just a heads up. I made Chris aka "barzo19" a generous offer on his new Psycho. He agreed and we had a verbal deal that he would sell me the mask for $500 and ship tomorrow. I get on here today and here is the PM he sent me. I paid him in full by Paypal two days ago and here\'s what happens????!?????

"hey bro, i can do saturday. [/QUOTE]

Sounds awesome...just do me a favor and drop me a line when it ships so I can keep an eye out...thanks bro![/QUOTE]

"hey bro, im sorry to say that member Deathwalk78 has made a higher offer then u. he said $550. i am sorry but i am gonna refund ur money and take his offer.



Dont Deal With "barzo19" - IbDaToNeGuY - 01-19-2007

damn that really sucks to hear . i didn\'t have any problems with him a few weeks ago . hope you get the mask soon either from him by working it out or from someone else .


Dont Deal With "barzo19" - WHiTE_SiDER - 01-19-2007

not cool at all ..when you have a deal with somebody you need to respect that :down:

Good Luck Larry Cool

Dont Deal With "barzo19" - mike - 01-19-2007

ya thats not cool if i reniged everytime i got a higher offer on somthing i be rich LOL

Dont Deal With "barzo19" - WHiTE_SiDER - 01-19-2007

Quote:ya thats not cool if i reniged everytime i got a higher offer on somthing i be rich LOL
haha so true :teehee:

Dont Deal With "barzo19" - SuperDanDrista - 01-19-2007

Once someone pays the deal should be done. Refunding for 50 extra dollars is terrible business!

Dont Deal With "barzo19" - number2 - 01-19-2007

had a shady incident with him aswell...definately losing rep. points.

that sucks Larry

Dont Deal With "barzo19" - tyson1530 - 01-19-2007

Dont like knocking people but bought $150 masks from him alsorts of confusion delivery may be dificult to the UK but for some reasons his is the only one not to arrive ?

Asked me to hold onto a ghoul as didnt have money 3 weeks gone no explination for lack of either ,

There may be genuine reasons for this I hope both matters will be resolved , hope he reads and gets in touch to sort out ,

Dont Deal With "barzo19" - SuperDanDrista - 01-19-2007

I cut him a deal on a fightclub soap..10$. Barely made anything off it..basically paid shipping. He had the nerve to bother me about it daily..even after I shipped

Dont Deal With "barzo19" - knewby - 01-19-2007

Quote:Dont like knocking people but bought $150 masks from him alsorts of confusion delivery may be dificult to the UK but for some reasons his is the only one not to arrive ?

Asked me to hold onto a ghoul as didnt have money 3 weeks gone no explination for lack of either ,

There may be genuine reasons for this I hope both matters will be resolved , hope he reads and gets in touch to sort out ,

I don\'t know what to say...I\'m speechless. I made a tremendous offer and he said great. I paid in full 2 days ago. I guess making 50 bucks off another collector is worth ones integrity and reputation. I don\'t know "Deathwalk" but I would like to know if Chris told him it was sold already. The best part is now my 500 bucks is tied up in Paypal for a few days. Needless to say I\'m royall pissed..........Larry
:angry: :angry: :down: